Any business, even the most mundane one, brings more pleasure if you focus on the positive aspects that you have.
In order to do so, write a list of undeniable positive arguments in favor of your work today. For example, you can be independent of anyone, you are able to buy food and clothes, pay the rent or mortgage for your house, your high social status, and perhaps there are many pleasant people on your work team.
If you are not satisfied with the working process itself (for example, a tedious typesetting service), then use all your wit and ingenuity to make work a source of positive emotions. You can challenge your colleagues in order to gauge who are the fastest typist. At the end of a particular stage, you declare the winner and arrange a celebration or a walk within the limits of the allowable space.
During your downtime, take a few minutes to reflect on the first days of your job at your current place of work. It may be that, to you at the very beginning the work did not seem the same as it is now. Recall in detail how happy you were and a little worried on the first working day, how pleasant your colleagues appeared to you. Remember what you were wearing, what you looked like, what you felt, how your voice sounded, what you saw around you. Enjoy those pleasant moments of the past without comparing it to the present at all. It will give you a specific energy charge for a good mood.
The next step is to write on a piece of paper everything positive you can remember. Attach the sheet in a prominent place so you could read it several times a day. Try to notice good things in the work process only. Whenever you catch yourself thinking negatively, tell yourself to STOP!
Besides, consciously replacing negative with positive thoughts is the key to happiness. The list of benefits is desirable to replenish as new options become available. Do not expect significant changes immediately, and there are no miracles. We must fulfill our plans every day.
Take a closer look at yourself. How do you dress and behave at work? Would you like to work with a person like you? Everywhere, except for professionalism, the friendliness, cheerfulness, and unwillingness of a person to gossip are appreciated. What face do you enter your workspace with? Break stereotypes of behavior: were you looking gloomy all the time and rejoicing only during your lunch break and Friday? Why don’t you start treating work like a place where many interesting and fun things happen, where you can enjoy a plethora of activities: informal communication with colleagues, exchanging jokes with your boss, talking with clients (there are also many exciting people among them). Change your behavior and even, perhaps, wardrobe.
Whatever you do and wherever you work, always remember that you are a member of the team. Moreover, remember that it is within your power to make the team more friendly and cohesive.
In a team, you can gain confidence in your professional skills, find friends or at least friends with whom there is always something to talk about, get support in tougher moments of life.
Sometimes relationships in a team are formed in such a way that even the most exciting work cannot compensate them. A person receives a hugely negative message from the team, and then, the best decision is to change it. It is necessary to join to a new place or team with a different outlook of the role of the staff in your life.
By treating your work positively, remember that it will strike back with kindness and happiness. After all, professional growth and career development happen to those people only who take pleasure in the work process.
As a simple refresher: happy is he, who rejoices when he goes to work and when he returns home.
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